News & Topics Special Lecture by professor emerita Carol Gluck resounding success

Special Lecture by professor emerita Carol Gluck resounding success

Carol Gluck, George Sansom Professor Emerita of History at Columbia University and also specially appointed professor at the Center for Integrated Japanese Studies (CIJS), gave a special lecture at Tohoku University’s Kawauchi Campus. 
The lecture, held on the 9th of January, 2025, was attended by close to 50 people, including throngs of interested staff and students, excited to hear the professor speak. Professor Gluck focused on the Second World War, examining the terms of ‘history’ and ‘memory’, what these terms meant, and how they related to one another in the context of one of the most destructive wars the world has ever known. 

Even though the lecture was held in English and ran close to 1.5 hours, professor Gluck managed to hold everyone’s attention to the end, and provided the attendants with a fresh new perspective on what it means to ‘remember’. We would once more like to sincerely thank the professor for her time and sharing her perspectives.