Opening of Tohoku University’s Center for Integrated Japanese Studies Celebrated with Opening Lecture
Center for Integrated Japanese Studies Opening Lecture
The Future of the Social Sciences and Humanities
The Future of Japanese Studies
On March 5th 2024, an opening lecture was held at Tohoku University’s Sakura Hall at Katahira campus, to celebrate the establishment of the university’s brand-new Center for Integrated Japanese Studies.
On the day itself we invited Dr. Carol Gluck (Geroge Sansom Professor Emerita of History at Columbia University) and Dr. Michael K. Bourdaghs (Robert S. Ingersoll Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago) to come to Japan, where both held lectures surrounding the theme of ‘The Future of the Social Sciences and Humanities. The Future of Japanese Studies.’
Dr. Carol Gluck (Professor Emerita at Columbia University)
Dr. Michael K. Bourdaghs (Professor at the University of Chicago)
For these special lectures, 245 people registered, hailing from 48 different universities and establishments, spread out over 20 countries across the globe. We were able to welcome 70 people to our hall, which helped make the lectures a resounding success, reverberating in Japanese Studies communities worldwide. We want to thank each and every one of you for making the opening lecture the perfect way to celebrate the Center’s establishment.
At the Center for Integrated Japanese Studies, we hope to bring together researchers from across the globe, who specialize in social sciences and humanities with Japan as their intended research area. With the aim of realizing our mission statement of ‘international co-creation of value,’ we will enthusiastically proceed with our plans. We look forward to meeting and working together with researchers both in and outside of Japan.